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File Managers! Windows Explorer replacement! Come one, come all...

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Er... on reflection, he's probably meaning that what he perceives to be the original "orthodox file manager", Norton Commander was released about 21 years ago. Seems his website has been up and running since 1997 though... that's still a fair length of time for a continuous web presence.

Dora the File Explorer ?  :P What episode? The Two Panes?

I mean to ask which one one uses regularly in their day-to-day computer usage at their main computer.

Your poll better have an option called something like "I use all of the above File Managers" ;)-Dirhael (September 11, 2007, 08:53 PM)
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another option could be "i still haven't decided yet".. :)

Dora the File Explorer ?  :P What episode? The Two Panes?
-tinjaw (September 11, 2007, 09:04 PM)
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Nah... Dora and Boots = The Two Pains (:o did I say that out loud?!)


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