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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

File Managers! Windows Explorer replacement! Come one, come all...

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Come on/one, he said. So here I am - again:

To the best of my experience   none   of the apps you all have mentioned   can do better  than our standard XP's Explorer plus addons.

Tell me what it is, apart from dual panes, that I cannot do with Explorer plus addons, but that you can do with something else, please! I mean, I have (almost) tried all of them, and still I don't miss anything in my Explorer plus addons. What is it that you have, that I don't have?


1) Do you have a button in the toolbar that will compress selected files and folders to a rar file?

2) Do you have a toolbar button that would create a dated folder like this for example -> 14-10-2007 9.24 PM

Is the context menu really placed that far away, that I should change my Explorer, just to have those features in a button instead?

Edit: Bad phrasing.

Of course any zipper will do the first job, from the context menu.
I didn't know I should need a dated folder, so I never looked for an app with this feature.

@ sri: on another topic, this link is for you:

-Curt (October 14, 2007, 10:09 AM)
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Come on/one, he said. So here I am - again:

To the best of my experience   none   of the apps you all have mentioned   can do better  than our standard XP's Explorer plus addons.

Tell me what it is, apart from dual panes, that I cannot do with Explorer plus addons, but that you can do with something else, please! I mean, I have (almost) tried all of them, and still I don't miss anything in my Explorer plus addons. What is it that you have, that I don't have?
-Curt (October 14, 2007, 10:51 AM)
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And what would these be? (links???)

edit: yes the addons..

"these" ~ the addons??


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