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File Managers! Windows Explorer replacement! Come one, come all...

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I've been following this thread about Xplorer2 with real interst but note that at times it has veered off significantly from the original topic, which was to discuss mitzevo's excellent mini-review. So, in the spirit of providing a forum for open discussion of the overall category of file management software, I thought I'd start this thread. I'll be directing people in the Xplorer2 thread here and we'll see what happens!

I almost started a poll, but there are so many applications in this class, I'd never be able to cover them all! Here's a very incomplete list of some of the alternatives: XYPlorer (reviewed by Zaine here), DOpus, V-The File Viewer, Total Commander, Servant Salamander, DiskJockey File Viewer, PowerDesk, AccelMan, ZTreeWin, etc. I know I've missed some favourites, but it's a start. Anyone want to post, singing the praises of their favourite? Did I miss anyone's favourite? Post and let us know!

I just started using DO and have a couple of questions. Hope it's alright to ask here.

I have a dual pane vertical setup (like in xplorer2)

1. With an item selected in the right pane, pressing tab doesn't take me to the left pane (like it does in xplorer2). Any idea how to get DO to do that?

2. 'Extract', 'Add to zip' etc buttons are functioning in the opposite pane as opposed to the the pane containing the items on which the functions were performed. For ex.: if I select two files in the left pane and hit 'Add to zip' button, the newly created zip is in the right pane, not left. Any idea as to how to fix this?

With almost a year of xplorer2 usage behind me, I am liking DO so much more than XYPlorer. Good bye XY. I'll visit you after 20 years if and when you implement dual panes.

I'd like to start with a simple question : which file managers can "completely" replace Explorer,s UI (run automatically instead of explorer)? I know that Directory Opus offers several options to do that. What about the others? Can they all be easily configured to replace explorer?

Edit : oups... sorry! I posted almost at the same time as you did, sri! You're first... so your question has priority....  ;)

Thanks for posting and getting the ball rolling, Sri and Armando (you posted while I was writing this).

Sri, your best bet is to head over to the DOpus resource forums. Someone there will be able to sort you out in no time! DOpus is amazing but even with the "usability" updates in 9 has a steep learning curve. I'm being "summoned" to the lunch table so will have to defer looking into your DOpus questions until later.

Armando - Dopus can for a start. Powerdesk offers to the do the same (I took advantage of the still current $9.95 offer on version 6) but I haven't investigated whether it lives up to the claim!

I just started using DO and have a couple of questions. Hope it's alright to ask here.

I have a dual pane vertical setup (like in xplorer2)

1. With an item selected in the right pane, pressing tab doesn't take me to the left pane (like it does in xplorer2). Any idea how to get DO to do that?-sri (August 30, 2007, 01:55 PM)
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Lunch is not on the table yet so I dashed back in here! Try this setting:

File Managers! Windows Explorer replacement! Come one, come all...

I'm not sure that it will work as you want it to, but it *looks* like this is the setting.

2. 'Extract', 'Add to zip' etc buttons are functioning in the opposite pane as opposed to the the pane containing the items on which the functions were performed. For ex.: if I select two files in the left pane and hit 'Add to zip' button, the newly created zip is in the right pane, not left. Any idea as to how to fix this?
--- End quote ---

Yes... this is a feature I generally LOVE (in different contexts mind you, such as "Create shortcut" operations as you can have the source and target folders open and the shortcut is automatically created in the target...). I'm not sure how to change this behaviour - a quick search of the settings folder didn't enlighten me - but I'll look into it more closely later on today/this evening.




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