ATTENTION: You are viewing a page formatted for mobile devices; to view the full web page, click HERE. Software > DcUpdater

Installed programs not recognized

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FARR plugins are in the FARR directory, so when FARR is found, they are found, so no you don't have to do anything other than run FARR once for it to find them.

oh, darn! it doesn't work again.. :o shall i just downloading everything again via DCU?

Installed programs not recognized

Not Installed
Installed programs not recognized

shall i just downloading everything again via DCU?
--- End quote ---
no -- that won't make a difference.
I just need to figure out what is wrong. Email me and I can walk you through where to look to see what might be going wrong and why.

In general what we want to find is if the files in here:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\DonationCoder\DcUpdater\RedirectFiles\

Are properly specifying where your programs are installed.

ok, mouser.. have sent a email to you.. :)

I have kind of the same problem.

My problem is that DcUpdater shows some FARR2 plugins as not being installed when in fact they are (I can see them in FARR's plug-in manager).

Specifically, it shows FarrFox and FCalc as being "not installed" when in fact they are.

Also, DcUpdater is spelt wrongly in the taskbar (it says DcUppdater with two p:S).




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