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DVD/CD Menu Creation - what's the best utility for this?

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Oh, hey Darwin, one thing...

As I read steeladept's post, I realized I was focused on making Video DVDs. If that's what you are wanting to do, then I'll stand by what I said. If you are wanting to make other types of DVDs, such as program with installers, then Nero might or might not work. I have not really seen those features in it - though I guess it's possible I've just overlooked them.


Hmm... Thanks steeladept, I'll add it to the list. AutoRunPro certainly looks like it means business!

So far, I'm looking at:

AutoRun Pro
CDMenu Pro - I found this one via Google, but haven't downloaded it yet
RecordNow 8 Deluxe - as mentioned above, I already own this but am not thrilled at the thought of reinstalling it. Same probably holds for Nero, really. Still, as noted above, why spend ~$50 for functionality that it's just possible I've already paid for?

My plan is to save the homepages for all the potential apps as a Maxthon group and then spend some time comparing them before settling on what I want to try out...

Thanks for your suggestions - please keep them coming!

PS tonsofpcs - you posted while I was typing the above - many thanks for the suggestion and no worries, I am on Windows so would welcome whatever info you can provide.

No worries, Ken. I suspect that Nero will pretty much do it all - and I've always wanted an excuse to try it out - I've always been with Sonic/Roxio and have never been near Nero. Thus, I am sure that it will do what I want, it just may do far, far more than I need it to!

I haven't found the disc that has it on it yet, but meanwhile, this does basically the same thing:

For burning the final cd, CD Burner XP Pro is free. 

from my Surfulater "archives"  :P
I haven't tried either of these, they may be too basic for your requirements

Autorun.inf Maker (freeware)
& hamradio's
Compact Autorunner


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