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Top 3 programs you use

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Added poll based on top 9 programs, I am suprised at the tie!
Vote away and lets see what one wins (FARR has 14 users for the top 3, 5 more then DOpus!)

What does Celtx have over Final Draft and Movie Magic?  This is the first time I've ever heard of it, tho I keep my eye open for such things.  I'm very curious -- as a writer, too


OK, by popular demand: Chapter by Chapter -- or CbC, for short!

CbC essentially manages a book manuscript, which is kept in separate chapter files.  This add in, which works as a small separate program, sits on top of Microsoft Word.

Once CbC is open, one enters a new chapter title, which opens up a blank page in Word, where one writes or imports a chapter, or at least the beginnings.  Then start another chapter, and so on.  Soon CbC displays in its window a list of all your chapters, all stored in sepapate Word files, including word count for each one.  One can drag and drop each chapter into a different order, rearranging one's book.  And if one needs to see the entire book in one file, a click of the mouse brings them all together in a single file, where one can do editing, paginating, change format to suit a particular publisher.

I'm working on a huge book project.  I've tried so many different programs to manage the project -- and I always return to CbC.  And it's free.

More information available at:

Developer Sebastien Berthet provides some useful additional information at this website.

Armando, thanks for nudging me to post this...


Hey!!! thanks so much, Tom.  :-*
It's already late here, but I'll have a look at CbC right away. Sounds like a greeeaaaat add-in.
It could actually be part of the solution to one of my big summer problem -- see the thread Working with (display+format+restructure) big amount of data (text+graphics)?

Lots of what I use was already listed by others --- so in the hopes of getting some of the less well known stuff listed.

FlashDesktops ( -- makes X-Windows switching feel slow when I am on Unix, the best desktop switching tool I have come into contact with on ANY Platform.

Hoekey ( -- makes keybindings to do ANYTHING.  From hitting the next button in iTunes, to vertically maximizing a window, to shutting down windows.  Kinda complex to learn, but shockingly powerful.

True Launch Bar ( -- quick launch bar -- on crack and roids.  It is a system monitor (cpu / mem / volume control / wireless signal), random place to put stuff (weather applet, clock applet) / super-launch bar. 

... I felt really limited only getting to choose three... so I am cheating (vim rules!


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