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Top 3 programs you use

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Hmm, Brandon, Brandon, Brandon, Made me think.. DAMN YOU! Umm, hmm I would have to say Pidgin, Opera, and Adobe Photoshop. :)
-Loki15 (August 08, 2007, 09:16 PM)
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Wow Loki15, what do you do that you use Photoshop every day. I thought that was illegal.


I was wondering the same thing...its not like he does actual work ;D

This is hard for me to answer because I always have so much running and there are at least 40 that are running at all times for various reasons.

But if I had to pick 3 that I am always actively using and would be of interest to someone in 'the rest of the world' they would have to be these 3:

1. AOL Explorer browser
2. xchat
3. OpenPandora

it depends on what i'm doing, usually i will launch programs by categories - web-browsing, word processing, music & movies, gaming & etc.. but off the cuff, it will look something like this:
• 1st i pay homage to this program called Farr, you might have heard of it.. :)
• then the ubiquitous Firefox.
• and finally the indispensable Altap Salamander.


* Opera
* Serious Samurize
* MultiMon Taskbar


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