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News and Reviews > Official Announcements

Cody's (Internet Citizens) Club Begins!

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Great News!!

Allen has started working on Codys Club Task Tracker!

 :greenclp:  :greenclp:  :greenclp:  :greenclp:  :greenclp:

Perry Mowbray:
Great News!!

Allen has started working on Codys Club Task Tracker!

 :greenclp:  :greenclp:  :greenclp:  :greenclp:  :greenclp:
-mouser (May 05, 2007, 09:33 PM)
--- End quote ---

What ever happened to this?  :-\

After mouser's comment over here about "good web citizens" I wondered if Cody may like to enumerate what he thinks makes a good web citizen?

I should start adding "Cody Club Assignments" to the newsletters again..

yes, we've been without one for far too long. :Thmbsup:


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