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IDEA: Frameless no Titlemenu Program Windows = like IE in Fullscreen Mode [F11]

<< < (2/2)

you're welcome, @thehop.. i don't understand German but with Google's help, i see that the a user from that forum have made a script in AHK for you. but since i've yet to run FullScreen.ahk, i'd like to know what is the function lacking in that script? if you didn't want the fullscreen option, try commenting out the highlighted section in the image below..

also among image viewers there is such a feature available in IrfanView.. check out the screenshots.. :)



hello lanux128 - thats it! - and it works fine for me  - marvelous!  :Thmbsup:
amazingly I see that IrfanView - has this Option too - thanks for that clue - bye  :)

you're welcome @thehop.. glad to be of help.. :)

Thanks for reminding me of these programs everyone!
I forgot about most of them.

Here's one that may work for you.
It has a lot in it, but it's main function is no border pictures full screen.

I had to play with it for a while to see all it had.
Still not sure I know.

Fast Picture Viewer can be borderless too.

I'm not sure if you can view more then one single picture at a time with either.
Viewer2 can do a collage type view.


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