ATTENTION: You are viewing a page formatted for mobile devices; to view the full web page, click HERE. Software > FARR Plugins and Aliases

SendMessage Plug-in

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Well I've made my post, now come be my mob everyone :P


Hi, with foobar 0.9.5, I get a message saying (SendMessageError) FARR Window Not Found. Any way to modify the alias to work? foobar was running, but in tray when I tried this.

I guess that's because the window class changed in 0.9.5. I still haven't updated it, but if you have a window spy utility like Spy++ or the AutoIt3 Window Spy, you can check it by yourself, and change the class in the alias (read the documentation to know how to do it). Or wait until Ehtyar comes around, and updates the plugin :)

Nor have I (I hate foobar, but the mouse b**ch made me write aliases for it) but I will update them none the less, give me a few minutes....
Well it would seem I've forgotten how much I also hate the author of foobar2000. In his long standing tradition of being an ignorant pain in the behind, he has not only changed the class of the main window (who the hell uses a guid for their window class?) but has also changed the IDs of each of the menu items i was using to control the player. To add insult to injury, it seems Winspector does not work in vista, which happens to be running on the only computer I have access to at the moment (not my own, don't worry ;)). Soon (hopefully) I can try this again on an XP machine, but until then you can try the foo_winamp_spam plugin which should allow you to use the winamp aliases with foobar until this problem is resolved.


Em, w00t! mouser uses foobar! ;D


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