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New feature idea, is it too late?

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Perry Mowbray:
tens of thousands of pad files.
-mouser (July 11, 2007, 10:39 PM)
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Yes, what are you doing with PAD files?

ASP's database has 63K records (with a lot of rubbish in it, I downloaded it yesterday)
PADdb has 28K records
PAD Database has 49K records

I'd have a seperate "browsing view / adding extra" for adding in applications via pad files, and not clutter the "update manager view" with it. At least not give the impression that DCUpdater just installed 63000 apps!  ;D

Perry Mowbray:
I'd have a seperate "browsing view / adding extra" for adding in applications via pad files, and not clutter the "update manager view" with it. At least not give the impression that DCUpdater just installed 63000 apps!  ;D
-justice (July 12, 2007, 02:45 AM)
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 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Yes I'd imagine that adding something like an unknown file it could be a wizard type thing and not in the main interface at all??


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