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I have just had a little play with DCUPDATER, trying to integrate it into one of my apps.

Some observations:
The help file shows an example for the web version file that is different to one of your apps which sets the items within a <root> section.

I spent a lot of time trying to work out why my release date didn't show in dcupdater... but it looks like it is date sensitive (31 Aug did not display, whereas 3 Aug did) , and possibly to do with localisation of the date (I have date format set to dd/mm/yyyy).

A simple DLL interface that allows an application to test whether dcupdater is installed (say a function to return the version of dcupdater) would allow an application to show relevant menu options only when dcupdater is available.


Hi Owen!

Let me answer your last question first.  It's not a bad idea regarding a dll, but i might suggest that it might make more sense to always show the menu item, and let dcuhelper.exe ( pop up and tell them how to get the updater if they don't have it.

I am going to very soon enhance dcuhelper so that if the updater is not found it will give them the choice to visit dcupdater page to get it OR visit your program webpage to check for an updater manually.  I think with this it's always going to be a good idea to show a menu item saying update -- because regardless of whether dcupdater is installed for them, it will be a useful way for them to find out about updates.


Regarding localization of dates -- you very well might be right, i'm going to test it on some differently localized pcs and see if i can spot anything.  maybe you could send me your .dcupdate file to help me test? ([email protected]).


Regarding the <root> issue -- dcupdater doesn't really care about the <root> but adding it makes the xml files compliant with the standard, so i now suggest that be used -- helps if you try to view the xml from browser or another tool.  Thanks for alerting me to update the help file.


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