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IDEA: OnScreen Display for Mute Status

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ok App, try this script and let me know if it works. btw, i didn't compile the script into an EXE since you already know the drill.. :)

OSD Mute
• monitor and display the system's Mute status.
• needs Autohotkey, if downloading the source (.ahk & .zip) files.

New version: Vista-compatible (27.04 kB - downloaded 941 times.)
OSD-mute-Vista.exe (258.75 kB - downloaded 1126 times.)

New version: v3 (16.05 kB - downloaded 1708 times.)
OSD-mute.exe (416.03 kB - downloaded 2212 times.)

'Lite' version
OSD-mute.ahk (2.34 kB - downloaded 1223 times.)
OSD-mute.exe (197.35 kB - downloaded 1294 times.)

Edit: added the compiled EXE.
Edit2: as per Nod5's suggestion, added code to remove flickering.
Edit3: added some minor updates.
Edit4: added option to change the positioning and the font properties of the OSD.
Edit5: two new options: notraymenu & noquitmenu in the INI file.
Edit6: Vista-compatibility plus new hotkey to toggle mute status (Win+m).

app, what is that fancy program you are using for your windows background -- are you sure it doesnt have the ability to show mute status?
-mouser (July 04, 2007, 09:13 PM)
--- End quote ---

Those are Yahoo widgets. I haven't found one that will do what I want.

lanux: This is great! Just what I wanted.  :)
Thank you so much! (credits are on the way)

That looks really neat - and useful! Would you be willing to compile it for those of us  bozo's who don't know the drill?


BigJim: of course i can do that, will post it tomorrow, though.. :) now i'm heading to bed.. zzzzz

Thanks man! Snooze well and prosper. :P


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