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Service Control - My FARR2 Plugin Contest Submission #3

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Hmmm, for some reason it was not working last night. I just rebooted and it now appears to be working on Win8 Pro x64.

Have you considered adding a way to start/stop multiple services at a single time, or creating a "service group" to start/stop? For example, I have VMware installed and have the services set to start manually so they are not always running (VMware Auth Svc, VM Workstation Svr, VMware DHCP service, VMware NAT Service, VMware USB Arbitration svc).

Taichi, had you considered wildcards such as sctrl vmware* or sctrl windows media* to start, stop or restart all services with those names? If multiple exist in different states, possibly prompting for what to do (start or stop)?


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