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Ultra Explorer; I am impressed!
... that is a deal breaker. -paulobrabo (September 25, 2007, 08:08 AM)
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What deal? Ultra Explorer is FREE.
But of course you are welcome to donate and encourage him to keep working!
I installed Ultra Explorer 2 week ago and... was impressed too.
BUT... The only problem is that it crashes very often on my PC (and I lost my configuration each time it did).
Anybody experienced crashes?
-Armando (June 29, 2007, 12:24 PM)
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I was just about to write that. Yes, it crashed the very day i installed it and tried to save a folder as default. Not a good first impression.
PowerDesk Pro has become my default. Although my preference above others, even it has it's own glitches every once in a while, so i end up going back to Windows Explorer in certain situations.
With regards to a recent post. Can we hope that FARR will have a better file search, not only than UltraExplorer etc. etc. but even better than CopernicDS or Google's? :-*
I've been using ExplorerPlus for several years. For those seeking various panel configurations -- Explorer, Dual Horizonal, Dual Vertical, Commander & Photo -- all are available here at a single click.
I bought the program from Novatix, but apparently it has dropped the product. I'd guess it's available elsewhere, but registration might be a problem.
Check it out!: :Thmbsup:
-Curt (June 24, 2007, 06:09 PM)
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edit by jgpaiva: fixing quote tag
There is new beta version of upcoming release
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