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bug reports

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first of all: thank you for this great program, I really love it!
The latest version does not save the windows size and position on exit - I start Screenshot Captor, maximize, close it, start it again - and it has the wrong (default) window size and position... :(

I'd be happy if you could fix that!  :up:

i certainly will fix that this weekend - no excuse for that; probably got messed up in the recent version when i got start-minimized behavior to work perfectly.  like stamping down bubbles under a rug, there always seems to be sideeffects :)

thanks for bug report, will be fixed next version (this coming weekend)  :up:

Thanks, I love software where the bugs are fixed fast :)
And I like - that's where I discovered your great program!

always nice to hear where people discovered us.
if you look around the forum you'll see that one of the best things about this forum/site is the interaction between users and coders; it's my favorite part, and i love hearing how i can improve the programs to make them work better for their users.

I like because you can rate and review programs there and also can read the feedback from others. Thanks to that I discovered GREAT programs like - and you'll get an email when one of the programs you added to your list is updated (new beta or official release).

You are right, I like interaction too. Right now I'm helping 4 coders to beta-test their freeware and suggesting new features - expect more posts to come :)


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