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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

Xara Xtreme and Xtreme Pro upgraded to 3.2 - Proceed with caution: Info-rant!

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Fantastic idea. What is the best way to do that? Since you seem to get about 100 posts/day, I assume you know better than I how to do that. :)


Fantastic idea. What is the best way to do that? Since you seem to get about 100 posts/day, I assume you know better than I how to do that. :)-KenR (June 13, 2007, 01:58 AM)
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Yup, he's experienced  :D

POLL: How many students are active here (instead of writing up?!)

Thanks for the plug, Tom! Sort of reminds me of the old Hendrix classic - "Are You Experienced?".

Anyway, Ken, starting a poll:

Just navigate to the main "General Software Discussion" board (assuming you want to place it there) and click on the far right option "Post New Poll". It's really easy to set up - the hard bit is coming up with the wording for the questions. All good fun!

This reminds me of all the discomfort during the "Corel Xara" days . . . but the effects this round are far more devastating, hit the wallet not just the branding.

Ungh.  All I can really say. Ungh.

My Xara!

I never went for the pro version, still very happy with the non pro one


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