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Thanks for the clarification, Carol! That makes sense and still seems a good deal, just not clearly stated.

So of not off. -Curt (June 12, 2007, 04:09 AM)
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Nope - $107.85 already includes 20% for the first year of maintenance - that means the $107.85 consists of the software cost of $89.88 and the maintenance of $17.97 (which is 20% of $89.88).

So it is OFF not OF-Carol Haynes (June 12, 2007, 04:22 AM)
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I too will have to thank you, Carol. You took me straight back to school!  :-[

It is much harder to think than anyone imagines.-Zinkernagel *
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* Peter Zinkernagel: Sadly unknown Danish philosopher.

[Edit: misspelled Zinkernagel]

Carol Haynes:
You are both welcome ... for my sins I used to be a maths teacher ... now I'm just a layabout  :-[

Heh, heh... I'm supposed to be an observational scientist and yet didn't even notice that $5.99 doesn't work out to 20% of $34.95 (I at least flagged it as seeming a bit odd, but didn't give it a further though!).

I used to be a maths teacher ... -Carol Haynes (June 12, 2007, 11:03 AM)
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I did not. In fact, I didn't even show up to the maths classes... But of course, that would explain some part of my misunderstanding. Another part would be the language, I guess. It is no secret that English by far is not my first language. Sometimes I think I have made myself very understable, only to realize I was not understood at all. No, I am not talking about my marriage! (I am a batchelor). Only today I tried this situation: I wrote the (French) author of RegSeeker and explained, no, read for yourself and tell me what you think I wrote:

I thank you for a very fine and free RegSeeker 1.55, and ask of you to make an (installed) upgrade version with Registry Indexing, in order to minimize search-time, please. I use RegSeeker several times a week and are waisting quite a lot of time just waiting.-Feature Request
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The poor guy had no idea what I was talking about. Do you? Anyway; this is not a guessing contest; I am merely pointing out that language can block bridges, and I often don't understand the maths nor the details of the language. But this time I guess it was Zinkernagel's sentence all alone: I didn't think hard enough, if at all...

[Edit: typos, etc]


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