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teracopy: copy your files faster

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Oops.  :'(

Just a note, supercopier sent Kaspersky internet suite into a frenzy, reports intrusions everywhere, after you uninstall does the same thing (in reverse i spose since its now gone) , so if you really want it, be prepared for a bit of noise lol 

Nighted is not alone in not being able to get support for problems that he has with DirectFolders. It's certainly enough to make one think hard before considering installing even a freebie from its developer - what if you have an issue directly related to TeraCopy? You've not even paid for the app and there's a demonstrated lack of support for paying customers! Thus, it's not likely that you'd get any help solving whatever problem you had and it might cost you a lot of time and possibly even cold cash to fix it.

Despite my earlier post about "having" to try one or more of these suggestions out, I'm going to pass. I don't actually need this functionality often enough to warrant making an effort to find an app to help me do this. Famous last words, though, right?!

You'll be wishing you had one of these saved somewhere if you ever need to back up a hard drive or something. It may even be YOUR hard drive that you need to backup on another machine! I think FastCopy would be perfect for that because you don't really need to install it, you could just run it from a flash drive.

I've had to back up a large drive before and it can take an excruciatingly long time! Especially when you have very important data on that drive that you are worried about corrupting. It would be nice to know that you can pause it if needed and still have the peace of mind knowing that everything will be transferred intact. FastCopy is going on my portable right now!


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