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teracopy: copy your files faster

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TeraCopy =   I'd rather eat broken glass.
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Incidentally, when I was a teen there was a teen club in town that I went to once or twice. While there I witnessed a hockey player eat a glass ashtray. I've never known what compelled him to do it, but he didn't seem to come to any harm (sadly - he was a jerk. Did I just write that?) and it shows that this can be done!

did teracopy something bad to you? I can understand why are you talking about teracopy like it is a bad application. If the support is poor, is this make a software bad? Or is this a reason to search alternative application for you?

Yes, bad support makes bad software. Why you ask? Because the developer works for that poor sucker like you and I who pay to put food in his/her stomach so he/she can continue to function on a daily basis. I don't have an unlimited budget for software (unlike some people here seem to).

A good developer fixes things that you tell them is wrong with their software. A good developer thanks you for reporting these things so that his/her software can be improved thus making the customer happy in addition to attracting new customers.

I bought 2 programs from this guy.

Audio Sliders, which I no longer even bother to use because it interferes with full screen applications. I got so tired of having to exit the program and then start it again every time that I just gave up on using it. I reported this like a good little end user only to be ignored.

Direct Folders, which introduced some funky behavior in the 3.21 release. It's actually pretty stupid. I tried to contact again to report and have the previous version sent to me. I had to get someone from these forums to send me the previous version. If not for that, I would have ceased using this software too. I tried several times to get answers. It's been over 6 months from my first attempt and nothing.

He does not care about my experience, only my money. So F|_|(|{ Code Sector!!!!!

I hope this makes my stance against Code Sector a bit clearer.

I'm not trying to defend Teracopy, I've removed it myself. But, you seem a bit harsh for software that is free for home use. Maybe you paid for it to use in a corp environment, if so, then you have a right to better support. Most of us here are probably home users though. I look at all freeware programs as gifts from the author and I feel fortunate to get them despite what imperfections they might have.

I'll have to give SuperCopier a look when I get home tonight. My work firewall has blocked access to that site. Can anybody tell me if it is Vista compatible?

It looks like you amended your post to add that you paid for their software. Then you are correct, you have a right to complain.

Oh, I'll bitch and moan about it every opportunity I get. If I can lose this guy a few customers, great!!!  :Thmbsup:

And by the way, Code Sector software is NOT freeware. It is not free for home use. It is shareware and it is limited in it's trial state.


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