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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

teracopy: copy your files faster

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What about Fastcopy: 
Does anyone have experience with it?

benchmark I've found with google:

:-\ Hereeeee we go again! Another software I'll just _have_ to try out. Don't you people realise a lot of this board's members are severely afflicted with OCD? Be gentle!
-nosh (June 15, 2007, 04:11 AM)
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 ;D That was pretty much my reaction as well - gotta try it!

There's a new Super Copier out btw. Super Copier 2 Beta 1.9.

Great. See my post immediately before yours! Madness... Actually, I am quite keen to try both of them and will download now.

Thanks for letting us know, Nighted.

Quick Synopsis:

TeraCopy =  :mad: I'd rather eat broken glass. Costs money. Non existent customer support.

KillCopy =  :down: Too unstable, using the context menu crashed explorer several times. It would not keep changed settings. Some skins make my eyes bleed.
FastCopy =  :-\ Not bad at all, very light. Excellent for copying a disc to your hard drive (great if you use nLite lots). Tons of command switches, and source code available. Shows really detailed info in the dialog. Automatically saves used paths. Has no move function in context menu, but instead a delete feature. No system hooks.

SuperCopier =  :Thmbsup: Most features, mature application. New revision fixes a few things from the previous release. Seemlessly replaces Windows copy system. You can now set it to retain attributes of moved files but if you have attributes set on a folder they'll still be stripped.



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