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Special User Sections > Site/Forum Features

ReadMe: Find out and rant about bad companies

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I set up this section based on strong requests in the irc channel for a place on DC to rant about companies.

I'm a little hesitant to do so because there are already some very good other site for such posts.

Feel free to post here your rants about companies, but also feel free to post on one of the other great sites (like and just post a link to those sites here.

NOTE: This section has been expanded to include PRAISE about good companies -- we thought it was only fair to have both here.

UPDATE April 21, 2011: We have decided to merge the complaints and compliments section posts with our other forums so there is no separate forum section for such posts.

Here is another good one for complaining (or complimenting) about any company, online or offline:


Be sure to read their guide about how to file a good complaint:

Feel free to move my post about the Software Scamming company into this more appropriate forum.

Maybe each post should be a poll with two options: Agree and Disagree (or a range encompassing those two).  This allows readers to give there opinion on whether they agree with the assessment and gets the community more involved exposing companies.  Just a thought.

Here is a german one: The translation of dreckstool is filthy tool. You can only vote, but sometimes that is enough for venting your's anger.  ;)

I like the poll idea.


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