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Tech Talk: Linus Torvalds on git

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If you never heard Linus "live", this is a great speak IMHO to get a some bit of Linus's way of doing things:

YouTube - Tech Talk: Linus Torvalds on git

It's also a lot of (geek) fun!  :)

Prompted by tinjaw's recent post, I've started watching this talk again.  I'm taking notes this time and found the following transcript to be helpful:

(Not surprisingly, I'm finding that listening / watching to the talk is more entertaining, but interfacing with the transcript takes much less time.)

Thanks for the transcript, ewemoa. I remember watching this a couple of years ago. Above my head because I've never seen git in action.

... I've never seen git in action.
-zridling (January 28, 2010, 06:42 AM)
--- End quote ---
Let me encourage all who read this to give it a try.  Coming from the same world as many of you (Subversion, etc) I feel like I have wasted a lot of time and effort clinging to what was 'comfortable' and 'familiar'.
Now I am a big zealot for git and use it in many different ways.


There's a nice rant against Git (and for Mercurial) on this thread:


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