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Winners of May 2007 Giveaway Drawing

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Winners of the May 2007 Giveaway Drawing

May 2007 Giveaway Drawing

Supporting Members, you've got until the last day of the month to take advantage of this month's Discounts..

This Month's Special Discounts and Giveaways:

* ZuluPad Pro (33% discount)
* ArtRage Pro 2.2 (15% discount)
* ED for Windows (50% discount)
* Super Flexible File Synchronizer (30% discount)
* SyncronizeIt and CompareIt (50% discount)

Winners of 'ZuluPad Pro' (5):

* JoTo
* mja
* Magic Speller
* harlander
* brahmanWinners of 'ArtRage Pro 2.2' (5):

* Curt
* slave138
* Chris
* aruvam
* broken85Winners of 'ED for Windows' (3):

* Rick_S
* lsp
* prikrylWinners of 'Super Flexible File Synchronizer Professional' (5):

* cranioscopical
* justice
* mtrenga
* tomos
* MerleOneWinners of 'SyncronizeIt/CompareIt bundle' (5):

* ganrad
* fidodido
* rodmeyers
* mdl
* peteg05

All winners are now being notified by email to their forum email address.  If you haven't received an email but your name is listed above, check spam filters and forum email address, and then mail [email protected] and let us know you never got any mail.  It can take a few days for companies to send you your serial number; if a few days pass and you haven't received it - send a reminder to the company email as noted in your winning notification email, or to us by replying to the email you received or to us directly.

Curious about how we award prizes?  See for a discussion about our custom prize optimizer utility. Winning something one month reduces your chances of winning the next month, and being helpful on the forum slightly increases your chances.

Carl Thorpe

Just one quibble (I think!) Carl, the discount for SFFS above is still showing as 50% whereas I *believe* it actually to be 30%. Congratulations to all the winners and a big thank you to Carl and the respective software authors for making the give away AND the discounts possible. As always, thanks to mouser for this incredible site.

EDIT: can't stand split infinitives  :-[ OK, so it dates me a bit, but years of schooling cannot be undone... BTW, love the following quote on the subject from Raymond Chandler, who was complaining to the editor of The Atlantic Monthly about a proofreader (from wikipedia):

"By the way, would you convey my compliments to the purist who reads your proofs and tell him or her that I write in a sort of broken-down patois which is something like the way a Swiss-waiter talks, and that when I split an infinitive, God damn it, I split it so it will remain split, and when I interrupt the velvety smoothness of my more or less literate syntax with a few sudden words of barroom vernacular, this is done with the eyes wide open and the mind relaxed and attentive. The method may not be perfect, but it is all I have."
--- End quote ---

Just when I think I've found all the places that mistake can appear, it sneaks up and bites me in the ..... nevermind.


Congrats to the winners!!

Didn't enter this time month, but maybe there's something I want next month :)

And again: Kudos to cthorpe for getting these discounts and free licenses :up:

:beerchug: OMG!!! :beerchug:

thanks Carl!
thanks Tobias (from SFFS)!
thanks Mouser!
thanks Microsoft for causing me to search out this place !!

Was just trying it (SFFS) out today and really loving it

lol  :-*
(have to keep checking it to make sure I really won it !!)


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