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tool to fullscreen (not just maximize) any application?

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I would love to find out if any of you readers knows of a tool which can fullscreen any arbitrary application.  By that I mean that it maximizes an app to the point where only the window's client area is visible, with the window's caption/title/border and the Windows taskbar being hidden or off-screen.  My main desire for this is to turn a number of my favourite apps into distraction free tools, especially my favourite editor (Vim), much like the recently reviewed Dark Room and Writer tools.  BTW, I'm running on WindowsXP.  I know there are some nice solutions under Linux (a number of window managers support this directly) and probably Mac too...

i think this is a great idea.. i wonder if it can be done..  any ahk peeps want to try?

 :) Try Fullscreen at Shareware, sluggish on Vista, but unlike anything else.


:) Try Fullscreen at Shareware, sluggish on Vista, but unlike anything else.

-skrommel (May 15, 2007, 08:22 PM)
--- End quote ---
Not bad (good find! my Googling did not turn it up), but a bit pricy for such a simple function.  The project looks totally "doable" in AutoHotKey... that's probably the way I'll go, although I am currently a complete AHK noob (well, an AHK keyboard remap for a single game doesn't really count).  Can any AHK pros here offer any suggestions on how to go about it? (BTW, I love GridMove!  For the first time it made me realized the full power of AHK...)  I fielded a similar question on the AHK forums, but if the local experts can offer anything beyond that, by all means, I need all the help I can get!  ;)

Here's the AHK forum thread:

Neat, AHK rules!  :Thmbsup:  Tossed this little thing up, based on input from AHK forum:

--- ---fs_engaged := 0 ; is "fullscreen" engaged for some window?
padding := 2 ; additional padding width to remove, in pixels

if (fs_engaged = 0) {
    WinGetPos, oldX, oldY, oldW, oldH ; save old dimensions
    WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, ahk_id %ID% ; remove titlebar/WS_CAPTION
    WinSet, Style, -0x40000 , ahk_id %ID% ; remove borders/WS_SIZEBOX
    WinSet, AlwaysOnTop , On, ahk_id %ID%

    ;; work out current desktop resolution
    SysGet, m, Monitor
    desk_width := mRight - mLeft
    desk_height := mBottom - mTop

    WinMove, ahk_id %ID%,, -padding,-padding
    ,desk_width+2*padding, desk_height+2*padding

} else {
    ;; reverse all the operations performed above
    WinSet, AlwaysOnTop , Off, ahk_id %ID%
    WinSet, Style, +0xC00000, ahk_id %ID%
    WinSet, Style, +0x40000 , ahk_id %ID%
    WinMove, ahk_id %ID%,, oldX,oldY, oldW,oldH

This works perfectly for my purposes.  Fullscreens currently active app on Win-F keypress, unless one has already been fullscreened earlier, in which case it restores the old window dimensions.  Any AHK stylistic/efficiency remarks quite welcome though... it's my first nontrivial script...


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