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tool to fullscreen (not just maximize) any application?

<< < (4/5) > >>

 :) You can easily add a loop to find the children of the maximized window, and putting them on top, too.

--- ---WinGet,list,List,ahk_id hwnd and
--- ---DllCall("GetParent",UInt,hwnd)

ace and mackal,
so what's the verdict? does the ahk script work well yet?
when it's ready perhaps we can convince you to make a little .ahk/precompiled-exe zip file for easy download?
-mouser (May 26, 2007, 10:25 AM)
--- End quote ---

Well, it works well enough for me, although I've encountered the same problem as Justice, and was wondering how to implement options; but skrommel's solution sounds pretty good, I will try it out.  Other than that, I don't think I'll be babying/tweaking this script further, since it meets > 95% of my requirements.  I can put out an .ahk, but not sure how to convert to .exe...

Well, it works well enough for me
-mackal (May 27, 2007, 10:16 PM)
--- End quote ---
Same here - at least so far...

was wondering how to implement options
-mackal (May 27, 2007, 10:16 PM)
--- End quote ---
IniRead is very simple to implement. (I guess a proper options dialog would be overkill here; directly editing the INI file should be easy enough.)

I can put out an .ahk, but not sure how to convert to .exe...
-mackal (May 27, 2007, 10:16 PM)
--- End quote ---
Use ...\AutoHotkey\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe; you can even set a custom icon there...

sometimes i use this utility called FreeSnap to do exactly that.. :)

P.S. also mentioned here

Ah thanks lanux128! That's a good tool in the arsenal of a webdeveloper!


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