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tool to fullscreen (not just maximize) any application?
:) To prevent windows repainting, have a look at these API functions:
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0)
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0)
SetWindowRedraw(hwnd, FALSE)
SetWindowRedraw(hwnd, TRUE)
Try something like
--- ---hwnd:=WinExist("A")
-skrommel (May 16, 2007, 01:31 PM)
--- End quote ---
If I understand this correctly, it prevents repaints to the window's client area, right? I misworded my intention: I was wondering about getting Window's to freeze display of the WHOLE window. Currently, I can see the window lose its border, then caption, then move and resize, all steps seperate but in quick succession; instead I would like to have the window go directly from its initial configuration to its final look DIRECTLY. Not sure how doable it is with just AHK though...
Actually, it turns out that the SetWindowRedraw() approach wasn't working at all (DllCall() resulted in an ErrorLevel of -4, i.e., function not found), hence why I was so quick to dismiss your suggestion... I've since found that DllCall("LockWindowUpdate", ...) works instead:
Perhaps a difference of OSes? I am using WinXP... I think this does the same thing. Even though it freezes the client area only, it actually makes a huge difference! Thanks for pointing me down this road, skrommel! :up:
Updated code, for those interested:
Spoilerfs_engaged := 0 ; is "fullscreen" engaged for some window?
padding := 2 ; additional padding width to remove, in pixels
if (fs_engaged = 0) {
WinGetPos, oldX, oldY, oldW, oldH ; save old dimensions
WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, ahk_id %ID% ; remove titlebar/WS_CAPTION
WinSet, Style, -0x40000 , ahk_id %ID% ; remove borders/WS_SIZEBOX
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop , On, ahk_id %ID%
;; work out current desktop resolution
SysGet, m, Monitor
desk_width := mRight - mLeft
desk_height := mBottom - mTop
WinMove, ahk_id %ID%,, -padding,-padding
,desk_width+2*padding, desk_height+2*padding
} else {
;; reverse all the operations performed above
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop , Off, ahk_id %ID%
WinSet, Style, +0xC00000, ahk_id %ID%
WinSet, Style, +0x40000 , ahk_id %ID%
WinMove, ahk_id %ID%,, oldX,oldY, oldW,oldH
WinSet, Redraw,,%ID% ; optimization for Vista
; (not sure how this interacts with the new
; LockWindowUpdate calls...)
This is brilliant - I've long wanted something like this!
You should definitely submit this to, and of course cross-post the code at the AHK forums.
ace and mackal,
so what's the verdict? does the ahk script work well yet?
when it's ready perhaps we can convince you to make a little .ahk/precompiled-exe zip file for easy download?
I would like to see an option for Always On Top, for example when I full screen my text editor and then bring up a search/replace window, that window spawns underneath the editor which is a pain :)
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