An update: after responding to Brandon (wreckedcarzz)
here, I thought I'd take another crack at setting up M2 and discovered that I had a corrupt Groups import (I hadn't mentioned this but the fact that my groups wouldn't work in M2 was a major dealbreaker for me) and remedied that. Then I took a look at the plugins that I couldn't get to work and which were the other dealbreakers: Roboform, NetSnippets Pro and Evernote Pro. I tried a third party plugin for Roboform and hated it so uninstalled it. Then I unexpectedly hit upon the solution: the context menu! Roboform's toolbar can be displayed/hidden in any supported browser via the context menu! As for Evernote and NetSnippets, pages can be saved in the same way. Thus I can now do everything in M2 that I can do in M1.6.1. Pretty happy... Now, if only resource usage could be brought under better control (as I type this in M2 I have 7 tabs open, which is pretty standard and the process is consuming: 03-23% CPU, 70,008K RAM, and 55,680K VM. This is considerably higher than M1.6.1 under a similar "load", where the CPU is much more stable at around 0-1% and RAM and VM usage are in the 46MB and 55MB range respectively).
UPDATE: even saving a selection is possible with Evernote/NetSnippets - you just highlight the "bits" you want and right-click/save to Evernote (or NetSnippets). The result is actually a cleaner interface as opposed to NetSnippets toolbar (though I suppose I'll wind up missing the Add to Last option... C'est la vie. NetSnippets is no longer being developed anyway so its days are numbered.)