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Faststone Image Capture now Shareware

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hmm.. i wonder what has been upgraded to justify the shareware tag?  :)

Faststone Image Capture now Shareware

He has labeled it as shareware before only to revert it back to "free for personal use" within hours of the initial release. Maybe it's a mistake. *edit: ok, I looked at the site, looks like it's serious this time (who knows).

Anyway, it doesn't matter. No one actually uses anything other than Screenshot Captor, so it's basically moot. ;)

But FastStone has a Scree Magnifier!

I don't even know what a Scree is, but I want to magnify one!

I don't even know what a Scree is, but I want to magnify one!-cthorpe (May 14, 2007, 11:44 PM)
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;D ;D ;D

I don't even know what a Scree is, but I want to magnify one!
-cthorpe (May 14, 2007, 11:44 PM)
--- End quote ---

Here yah go...just click to magnify:

Faststone Image Capture now Shareware

 ;D :D :P


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