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Special User Sections > What's the Best?

What's the best Journal (Diary) software?

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I was maybe thinking of keeping a diary, and I looked around for the best software for this.  There are various issues with this...for one thing, a journal might not be too different from a notetaking program, so you can very well use one of those programs for it.  I think as far as a journal goes, Evernote would be the clear choice among the general notetaking software because it organizes things by date by default.  And it's easy to navigate and search.

But being the kind of person that I am, I believe that it's better to find a piece of software specifically designed for the intent of journals.  There's a software called "The Journal" that seems to have a lot of features specifically designed for this kind of thing.  I was wondering if anyone here had experience with journals/diary software.  Please chime in!

Im trialling a thing called Ideamason ( ) which at a quick look has a lot of the features of the Journal, but then i want it specifically for essay writing and research of that type, and much prefer a single organized place for things rather than a separate program for everything, so long as it does it well. (unlike everything else in my life which seems to be totally disorganized lol)

Edit  Ideamason is somewhat more expensive at $79 for a single user licence  $69 for students

But being the kind of person that I am, I believe that it's better to find a piece of software specifically designed for the intent of journals.
-superboyac (May 14, 2007, 01:04 AM)
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Being the type of person you are, you also probably want something that's "indexable" with a desktop search program (X1, copernic, archivarius...)  :)

I've tried different software and I came back to Word and Ultraedit (or even jedit) (it could of course be any word-text processor)... When I write a journal, I don't want to be bothered or distracted with a thousand new fancy options. I just want to be able to insert the date and time, write, change fonts, etc., and insert various objects (pictures, graphs...). There's one thing that I'd eventually like to do though : to "mindmap" inside word, and to be able to draw quick sketches. I might buy a Wacom pad for that.

I tried OneNote at some point -- fun but I disliked the fact that none of the desktop search applications I was using could index my documents' content. I'm getting a bit tired of all these different proprietary file formats on my computer. I 'm looking more and more for cross platform file formats, if possible.

(edit : added the "ultraedit, jedit" part...)

I tried OneNote at some point -- fun but I disliked the fact that none of the desktop search applications I was using could index my documents' content. I'm getting a bit tired of all these different proprietary file formats on my computer. I 'm looking more and more for cross platform file formats, if possible.
-Armando (May 14, 2007, 03:32 AM)
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I think if I'm not mistaken, Windows Desktop Search does index Onenote files.


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