Special User Sections > What's the Best?
What's the best Journal (Diary) software?
Moleskine and Mont Blanc. Nice! What version of each is your tool of choice (MS 146 Medium - although I also heavily favour my PFM I and my Vanishing Point - and the lined Pocket Journal for me...)?
As a mere female, not particularly computer literate, my favourites are:
iDailyDiary http://www.splinterware.com/ for journaling. Love it. By far the best after testing quite a few others;
ReadyNotes which is fantastic for writing- I use it for writing poetry as you have endless (literally) pages and categories, Derring Technologies, and
Evernote, which is great for when you are surfing.
I also us Ywriter and Chrysanth for other writing projects.
kept going back to Wordpad and an encrypted file.
-digitalzen (May 25, 2007, 09:00 PM)
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Wordpad? Rather than a good editor?
Now I use a <a href="http://www.moleskine.com/eng/_interni/catalogo/default.htm">Moleskine</a> and Mont Blanc. Much more satisfying.
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Quote from Cult Pens What's New May 2007
Pelikan make some of the world's finest fountain pens. Forget M*nt Bl*nc - if you're looking for peerless build quality and precision engineering you'll find it in our Pelikan Souveran and Toledo ranges. .
--- End quote ---
A Pelikan is high on my list of pens to own. However, I am very happy with my M-Bs, and my Pilots, Parkers and Sheaffers. There's room in my world for more than one brand of pen or watch or car... I *hate* this about western culture/values: there's always someone trying to tell you that X is better than Y, or worse, that Z is the best period and you've missed the boat if you settle for anything less. What really sticks in my craw is university rankings. How the hell is it possible to come up with a consistent, quanitifiable, and most importantly reliable/meaningful set of criteria for what makes University X better than Y? Why is it meaningful that such and such a university is ranked 67th in the world and the one that I acutally went to ranked 134th (I made those numbers up out of thin air)? Says who? So what? It (and by extension it's alumni) are better because someone else says so? What a load of bunk. Sort of analgous to people who *have* to drive a Hummer but never leave the city, never leave paved roads, never drive in the snow...
Sorry. Rant over.
I agree with Catkintails. I've had iDailyDiary for years. It can include pictures in your daily writing. Hope you find what you're looking for! :Thmbsup:
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