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Ask Leo: How do I fix this high CPU usage svchost virus or whatever it is?

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After I log in my system slows to a crawl. Looking at task manager I see that my computer is experiencing high CPU usage. Looking more closely I see it's something called "svchost" is taking 100% of my CPU time. If I kill the process suddenly other things stop working. Is svchost a virus? How do I fix this svchost problem?

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Carol Haynes:
Eh? We already dealt with this issue - just revert from "Microsoft Update" to "Windows Update". Unfortunately can't find the thread now.

Not sure but I'm sure I read recently that MS have now fixed this bug in MS Update.

last thing i heard they have a patch but you have to contact them to get it, it's not a big priority for ms (?!?!?!?). IN the meantime they recommend people to update to MS Update everytime on the WU site. how disappointing

hmm.. this gives me an idea for an old problem of mine.. CPU Usage shoots up to 100% !?! :Thmbsup:

Thanx for that.  I think that will solve the problem someone asked me last week.


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