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pls recommend a good benign keylogger
My point/reason for using Word (aside from not wanting to have a dozen text editors hanging around) is the Auto Save. In order to address ganrad's problem the work needs to be saved frequently and, optimally, automatically else it all goes up in smoke along with the open web page when disaster strikes. :wallbash:
You have come up with an ethical use for a keylogger...the first I have ever seen. I never thought about it this way before.
You have given me an idea though...let's see what it eventually turns into, if anything. No time estimates. If I am going to do something, I want to do this right...and make sure it stays ethical.
-app103 (May 12, 2007, 02:18 PM)
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Just some thoughts
One way to keep this ethical could be to perhaps throwup a periodical splashscreeen warning the user of the presence of a keylogger.
And the app could pop up a message upon "browser close" to check if keylogs should be kept or discarded.
The app could consciously ignore userid and password fields.
Think of it, such a "goodboy" keylogger could extend its functionality beyond browsers to other applications. User having the option to select the applications that he/she needs the keylogger to be active on.
And of course, someway of establishing the app's creditibility with the security suite(s) and anti-spy software
I have been giving it a lot of thought today and I have come up with a lot of ideas for it.
I just have a few more things to consider and I will decide if I want try to do this or not.
Btw...this wouldn't just be for would be for everything. :)
And the user will be unavoidably aware that it is running and what it is doing.
If I do this, there will be a small, yet highly visible window that always stays on top and can't be minimized or leave the screen, announcing what it is and if it's active.
:Thmbsup:Look here :Thmbsup:
would this program be of help? :)
Emsa Save My Work
Emsa Save My Work is a simple personal keylogger, that is not aimed at snooping, but rather to keep track of everything you are typing. If you have ever experienced a program crash and lost the content of a letter or email you had just typed, then this program can be of help. It automatically logs everything you type and allows you to review the log and also save it to a file. The program runs in the system tray and can be enabled/disabled as needed.
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