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Looking for: ToDo List plus Calendar plus Countdown Timer

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I'm interested in some software that mixes elements from a calendar, a todo list, and a countdown timer. Here are the features I'm looking for:

* Calendar view.
* Option for recurring tasks.
* Show countdown timer on desktop for next "todo" item. This would be great if it had the options to display more than one todo item at a time and be always on top of other applications, with options to adjust font, size, color, transparency.
* Easy way to check the task as done.
Does anyone know of anything that does this?

I've been looking for something similar off and on for years.  See my second discussion comment on my own post to (it's all about me ;)).  I don't have the countdown timer, but it would fit well.

I hope you don't mind
I thought your comments/ideas were worth quoting here

I've been looking for something similar off and on for years.  See my second discussion comment on my own post to (it's all about me ;)).  I don't have the countdown timer, but it would fit well.
-jbunch (May 11, 2007, 07:38 PM)
--- End quote ---

Quote from: jbunch -
Having had time to sleep on it, here's my vision of how it should work (or how I should work). Two panels, on the left is the editable list of tasks, on the right is an Outlook-style schedule of today and maybe the next business day. You drag the tasks that you hope to accomplish from the left to the schedule in the order you hope to perform them. If you think a task deserves more time, you can drag it larger. You can insert "reward" tasks (15 minutes of a game, surfing, etc.) and/or expansion time where appropriate.

When the first task of the day is scheduled to start (hopefully right away), you are prompted to start the timer for that task and add any notes that might help you remember what you meant to do. Shortly before that task is scheduled to end you are prompted to wrap it up (to send a status email, for example). When time is up, you are prompted again to add any notes for that task and also to start the timer for the next task. It will also have a "finished" checkbox so you can take items off the to-do list.

If you need more time, of course, you can snooze it. If the next task is reward/expansion time, you can skip it and the next task for the day is brought forward. There should also be a "stack". If scheduled yourself to call a customer and end up leaving a voice mail, you can "push" the task (let's call it A). This will bring forward the next task for the day (let's call it B). If the person calls you back during task B, A can be "popped" back and the B task goes back to being the "next one". All this time one timer or the other is running. If task B has used up its planned duration before you get the return call for A, task C is brought forward, etc.

The expansion time is there because there is always some unplanned activity that pops up in the middle of the day. Should you get lucky and not have that emergency, there should be a separate to-do list that is for things that have no deadline but you need to be reminded of anyway (clean the desk, etc.) that you can pick from.

Should you exhaust your list of tasks lined up for the day, you should be prompted with the whole two-pane list and schedule so you can either drag items from the next day, or pick a new task from the main list.

Reading this back, I sincerely doubt there is an app like this, but would appreciate a pointer in a close direction. Chances are good that I might end up writing this myself. Or submitting a request to DonationCoder. Thanks again.

I have Office 2007 but I can't seem to find the Project 2007 they mention. Come to think of it, looks like I didn't install Outlook 2007 either. . .


I think it's the one that's aimed at business and aka as "Project Manager" ?
Seems to be shown as part of office at that link above ..


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