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Copy-paste with the right text format

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Ever had this annoying problem when copy-pasting text? The text you write sometimes looks in the end like a mix of fonts, font size, etc...
Something like : "Show recent posts (full text display). Show recent topics."
You have then to select everything and select your font, font size, etc...  >:(

I have coded an application that cleans your copied text of all format. The text you paste adopts the style of the text already written  :-*
An option permits to remove line-breaks and glues the words that are cut at the end of a line (very useful when copying from a PDF)

This app is coded with Autohotkey and available for download at
Right click the tray icon for options.

Ask if you want the original script.

Enjoy!  :Thmbsup:

nice  :up:

good job, noutters.. :up: the script will come in handy, i'm sure.. btw, if you don't mind, can i have a look at the AHK script? this is because i have my own AHK script into which i shoehorn all kinds of script that i need instead of running them separately.. :)

Here is a link to the AHK source:


Just what I needed   many thanks.  :Thmbsup:


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