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Symbolic Links in Vista - Like a playlist, but for anything!
Yeah... but it's so easy to make one (I mean, currently the hardest part is typing the path) I'm sure it would be super easy to make buttons and toolbars and stuff. I bet someone could make one for Directory Opus using only the button editor.
[edit]Took out stuff about DO and size reporting...[/edit]
-Hirudin (May 10, 2007, 03:49 AM)
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Dopus already has support for creating symbolic/hard/soft links and junction points. What I've done is to go to "Settings -> File types", double click on "All files and folders", open the "Drop menu" tab and press new. Type a appropiate name for the action (I've named mine "Create special link(s) here...") and paste the following into the text area:
Copy MAKELINK=auto
Now you can create symlinks by a simple right-click drag-n-drop with and file or folder. About as easy as it can get :)
-Dirhael (July 09, 2007, 04:28 AM)
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I presume thats only with Opus 9 on Vista?
Yeah... but it's so easy to make one (I mean, currently the hardest part is typing the path) I'm sure it would be super easy to make buttons and toolbars and stuff. I bet someone could make one for Directory Opus using only the button editor.
[edit]Took out stuff about DO and size reporting...[/edit]
-Hirudin (May 10, 2007, 03:49 AM)
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Dopus already has support for creating symbolic/hard/soft links and junction points. What I've done is to go to "Settings -> File types", double click on "All files and folders", open the "Drop menu" tab and press new. Type a appropiate name for the action (I've named mine "Create special link(s) here...") and paste the following into the text area:
Copy MAKELINK=auto
Now you can create symlinks by a simple right-click drag-n-drop with and file or folder. About as easy as it can get :)
-Dirhael (July 09, 2007, 04:28 AM)
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I presume thats only with Opus 9 on Vista?
-tomos (July 09, 2007, 05:37 AM)
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Well, I wouldn't know if it works on Dopus 8 as I only have 9 installed right now, but I do know that you can create junctions and hardlinks in both XP and Vista (and possibly Win2000) with v9. Not sure about symlinks though (I think that's Vista only), and of course XP have no way of tracking junctions etc. but otherwise it does work.
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