Software > Finished Programs
Folder-RSS: Monitor folder changes via rss
Folder-RSS generates an newsfeed containing changes within a folder. Use it to see what files are new in a particular folder by subscribing with an newsreader such as Opera.
17 October 2007 -Righty a long awaited update to Folder-RSS :)
changes for version 0.9
--- ---* repacked with the latest autohotkey - no more false positives from certain virus scanners
* support for Mouser's DcUpdater (let me know if this works well for you - folder-rss checks for updates on start, will make this an option
* new options thanks to donationcoder member requests:
-only:files|folders = Only include files (-only:files) or folders (-only:folders) (Default is both)
-only:*.ext = Only include *.ext files (eg. change to *.mp3 to include mp3 files only). (default = *.*)
-maxage:`<number`> = Only show results last modified within the last `<number`> days (default=14)
-maxitems:<number> = Only show up to <number> feeditems (default = 100)
* started work on graphical user interface for next version.
folder-rss.exe "c:\browser downloads" d:\temp\latest.xml
(get the complete syntax by running the file)
You can only monitor specific files using wildcards. Put paths with spaces in quotes. Run it as a scheduled task once a day to generate a new feed! Defaults list the last 100 items that have been modified /are added within the last 14 days. Read-only, System and hidden files are not monitored unless specified.
AHK source + compiled .EXE provided. Your suggestions and comments are much appreciated :)
There are bound to be bugs, but I am happy to squash them.
incompatible newsreadersSharpreader does not support local files
Folder-RSS generates an newsfeed containing changes within a folder. Use it to see what files are new in a particular folder by subscribing to the feed with an RSS reader like SharpReader:
Syntax: folder-rss.exe c:\temp > d:\temp\test.xml-justice (May 09, 2007, 08:03 AM)
--- End quote ---
:up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
People talk of (including my own yappity yap) moving from desktop to web. The reverse, it now seems, is even more interesting.
I was going to sit down and complete some programming tasks. But, you've succeeded in disrupting my schedule ;) ;)
File filters should work, put paths with spaces in quotes. Run it as a scheduled task once a day to generate a new feed. Defaults list the last 100 items that have been modified /are added within the last 14 days.
AHK source + compiled .EXE provided. Your suggestions and comments are much appreciated :)
--- End quote ---
Feature-packed and open source! drool drool droooooool.....
Also the software is really beta stage (first public appearance), so there's bound to be bugs, but as it's not doing much harm so safe to use. RSS2.0 validated feeds.
--- End quote ---
How about "Patent-pending standards-compliant webdesk(TM) technology"?
Does it monitor down into subfolders?
yep, but in the AHK souce you'll find an option to disable subdirectories. :Thmbsup: (edit: now as a parameter)
I am using the following configuration atm:
--- Code: Autohotkey ---maxAge = 14 ; only process files that are modified within x days (default=14)maxItems = 100 ; maximum items in rss feed (default=100)includeSubFolders = 1 ; Monitor Subfolders (1=true (default), 0=false )excludeFiles = R,H,S ; Skip any file that is either H (Hidden), R (Read-only), or S (System) Note: No spaces in "H,R,S"
Ok, so obviously I have no idea what I am doing, but I cannot figure out how to actually read the feed. I tried Opera, and it's blank. SharpReader says: "The specified cast is not valid." Feed Demon says that the feed cannot be added.
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