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Converting from FLV to AVI

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You guys probably know about this one.

Is it possible to convert .FLV to .AVI (or any other normal PC video format), without loosing the synchronization between picture and sound? I think the various formats / converters are doing a very poor job on this. As an example Lynne & Tessa have so far lost the lip synchronization when their flash movies were converted to any format I knew of, no matter what converter I used.


[Edit: Because of the link I added, I have just now realized that regarding the L&T flashes it is enough to rename from *.mpeg.flv to *.mpeg.
However, it is very seldom possible to do it this easy way.]
[2'nd Edit: confusing "flv" changed to "mpeg"]

try this website for some in-depth guides for video conversion et al..

For so many years I have done what these companies made me think was the only and right way: downloaded a program and converted my flash files. Never did anyone tell me or even imply that this is totally unnesessary. Listen folks: I have just "converted" all my flash files into various video file formats: All you have to do is to rename the flash file. Periode!

Flash to AVI ? Rename the flash: .avi. That is it!
Flash to mpeg ? Rename the flash: .mpeg. You're done!
Flash to .wmv? Rename the file:  .wmv, and WMP will play it.

They are lying to us, totally distorting LYING.
Just rename the bloody thing!

Comments, please   :tellme:

Just rename the bloody thing!
--- End quote ---
I'm quite sure this is not the case. The only thing you're changing is which application the file will be given to. You are not changing the compression method and format of the video data. Probably what your viewing software is doing is simply taking whatever file is handed to it, and examining the contents to decide how to handle it.

You can look at this information yourself using tools like this:

But, for example, my standalone DVD player can play MPEG2 files. If I put myvideo.mpg onto a DVD and insert it, the video will play. But if I take a divx myvideo.avi, rename it to myvideo.avi.mpg, and burn that onto a DVD, my player will still not be able to play it because it doesn't have a divx codec in its firmware.


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