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Converting from FLV to AVI

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I've downloaded a bunch of music videos in flv format that look fine as-is in VLC Player's full-screen mode. ... -mrainey (June 02, 2007, 02:48 PM)
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Yes, they play well in both VLC and in MPC, but I want to make them be a part of the Playlists in WMP and RealPlayer 10.5 as well, and that takes first to convert them to a video format. That is why I have been trying out these alternative "converting" metodes in the first place.

Thanks for the tip on 'no overlay'.  :up:

I will relegate my off topic comments to spoilers"A honest try", you say. Hmmm. Did you find the options?

Right-click anywhere in the program. No tooltips, if not wanted.
-Curt (June 02, 2007, 03:34 PM)
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I probably would have looked at the options, but since the program disappeared when I hit the Encode button I figured looking at the options would be a waste of time. Unless of course there's a "Prevent Encode button from closing program" check box somewhere.

... Unless of course there's a "Prevent Encode button from closing program" check box somewhere. -Hirudin (June 02, 2007, 04:02 PM)
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Actually I was thinking about asking this question in my previous post, but didn't do so. I should have. HOW did you try to start the encoding? All you are allowed to do, besides doing the settings, is to Drag&Drop the file to be converted, and only then hit the Encode button. This is the only way. Did it happen like this? I am asking because I use SUPER and have never experienced what you have described.

Other than that, the only complain I have about SUPER, as I already have said, is the lack of precision in the sync' between picture and sound, when converting from flash to movie.

I will relegate my off topic comments to spoilersYeah... I'm pretty sure that's how I did it... Maybe I'll have to install it again after all. I'm using Vista 64 ( :D &  :( ), that's likely to have something to do with it...

Anyone know of any 'tweaker' software for converting videos? I like tons of options, but am tired of using 6 different programs!-Hirudin (June 02, 2007, 02:53 PM)
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imo, it's better to have a few programs that specialize in selected formats rather than hoping for one major app that will be the panacea.. btw, did you encounter any problems with the Riva encoder?


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