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Converting from FLV to AVI

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I will relegate my off topic comments to spoilerslike Riva, Super is also based on CLI tools like ffmpeg but i prefer Riva because of its clean, well-designed layout.. :)
-lanux128 (May 09, 2007, 08:27 PM)
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What's Riva? Is it this:

[edit]LOL, I see now, there it is in the first post... (I skipped it because I have very little interest in converting web video)... [/edit]

What's Riva? Is it this: (June 02, 2007, 02:22 PM)
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aye, same website but different products - i was referring to Riva FLV Encoder..

I've downloaded a bunch of music videos in flv format that look fine as-is in VLC Player's full-screen mode.  I had to uncheck the "overlay video output" option (Preferences > Video) to get rid of some unwanted color effects that showed up in about 50% of the videos.

I will relegate my off topic comments to spoilersWell, I gave SUPER an honest try. Very poorly made UI, very un-user-friendly. I like tooltips and all, but I don't need them to pup up instantly every time I let my mouse stop for a split second.

Also, after trying to encode my first video the program just disappeared, no error, no nothing. It was as if I hit the X. That's enough for me.

I've used the AVISynth, NanDub, etc., etc, method a bunch, but I've found that I need to re-learn the process every time I haven't converted any videos for a while. I made a lil' tutorial thing which has helped me a number of times, check it out if you want... DVD to Xvid
It's pretty old (late '03 or older), don't follow it to the letter...

Anyone know of any 'tweaker' software for converting videos? I like tons of options, but am tired of using 6 different programs!

"A honest try", you say. Hmmm. Did you find the options?

Right-click anywhere in the program. No tooltips, if not wanted.


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