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SnapSuite program family/Free online computer help

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Off the topic of programs and other related things.

I am still doing my online computer help system, and to make it easier for people to get help, I have added a CrossLoop "I can Help!" button to my sig (as you can see). Clicking it takes you to my CrossLoop profile page, giving you some info about what I do and gives you a link at the top of the page to download CrossLoop.

If you know anyone that has a problem (friends, family) then please direct them to the forum and I will be glad to assist them. No problem is too big or too small! :)


P.S.: It's worth mentioning that if you have someone that you don't know what to get for Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate), this might be just the thing. It's unique, free, and easy. ;)

In my recently failed attempt to create an automatic updater, I am going to call it done and wrap up any lose ends that are left. I got everything accomplished on my list (see previous page) except for...

* add toolbar to smartbrowse - attempt to move the toolbar into the main GUI window of SmartBrowse
* fix smartbrowse enter key problem - the Enter key doesn't work in the SmartBrowse window huh
* combine update with welcome screen??? - just put the updater controls in the welcome screen
* add auto updater - attempt to auto-update check at every start
* make logo fade in/out - self-explanatory...
I got most of these done to a point, but something kept me from fully completing what needed to be done. This is unfortunate, but I am still learning so you never know what might popup in a future update ;)

I am going to update the website a bit after finishing up what is left on my SnapSuite to-do list, and will post an updated updater (say that 3 times fast ;D) here after I have verified everything works (I have learned not to open my mouth before I am ready to speak :-[)

So just sit tight, I should have the final '08 version up either today or sometime this week (I am hoping for today, but no guarantees). :Thmbsup:


OK, here it is!!! :) SnapSuite 2008

SnapSuite 2008 combines a powerful program launcher, a text-macro creator, instant message cleaner, media & volume controller, calendar, a basic notepad, a file downloader (NEW!), a web browser, a complete system maintenance solution, and an easy-to-use updater.

Taking approximately 60 to 120 seconds to install on high speed internet, with a simple 2 step initial setup process, SnapSuite can be up and running in about 150 seconds (assuming you have all 3rd party programs required by SystemCare). If you need additional programs for SystemCare to properly maintain your PC, they will be automatically downloaded and installed for you!

SnapSuite starts in approximately 5-7 seconds (including splash screen). It stays running in your system tray for easy access and can be closed anytime by simply right clicking the icon and selecting "Exit SnapSuite".

SystemCare has 2 automated maintenance programs that can be run on-demand or via Window's Scheduler, and they now give a live in-GUI countdown of the time remaining to reboot/shutdown (30 seconds).

Help is built into the program, providing you with information easily, anytime you need it. My email address, along with my AIM, MSN, and Yahoo instant messenger addresses are available at the bottom of the Welcome tab for your convenience if you have a problem, idea, suggestion or complaint. The welcome tab also gives you a rundown of the program's abilities in a small summary, so you can get started right away.

SnapSuite will continue to grow with new updates, enhancements, and more.

Donations are also welcomed, and a button to donate to either me (Brandon Seal) or Walt Winstel (Loki15) is available under the About tab (a list of all the DCers that have helped me with SnapSuite is also available under the About tab, so it is definitely worth a look!)

I really hope you enjoy this program- I have come to love making it and it brings me great joy when I see someone has downloaded it. Please don't be shy if you have something to say about it, including bad things, because that lets me improve and learn. :)


P.S.: Happy holidays!

Yet another bit of information...

I have updated and renovated the entire website ( and have gotten new (correctly spelled... no longer "reccomended" :-[) buttons for the downloads, and am going to host the SnapSuite downloader/installer on the Maze Craze domain (so I can leave a permalink on the Incredisims main page).

If you want to see what has changed, head over to the site (it looks really nice, professional too) and see. I am putting final touches on it right now, rearranging a couple navigation buttons and whatnot.

Also, one more thing. I have redone the bug/"what is going to change" part of the site (work in progress) and I have found 2 SnapSuite bugs since last nights release (one is just a text flaw that has been fixed in my latest build, the other is simply a button that needs a command added onto it).

I am still planning additions onto the program, however I am going to fix those 2 problems, let everyone know when they can get the new update (via the built in updater) and post SnapSuite 1.0.1 in the N.A.N.Y. 2008 forum. :D


it's looking good
Dont want to give you a hard time but..
I wanted to find out some more details but find very little on homepage :tellme:
if someone who doesnt know at all what the programme does reads that site they will get some details
but not hardly anthing about the cleanup aspect - or maybe I've lost track of the aim/direction of the programme?

Personally I'm wondering if I install/use the "cleansing" aspects, do I have control over which ones are used or does it do a clean sweep through everything (I want to avoid regristry cleaning for example)
thanks, Tom


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