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me, I think Arial would be good - give it a go and see,
Macs dont have Arial so I dont know what happens there...prob gets replaced by courier think that's their default font or maybe depends on browser.
But you're mainly windows at the moment so I wouldnt worry bout that

I was aiming to get rid of the dull, usual fonts that are "web-safe"
-wreckedcarzz (February 27, 2008, 07:05 PM)
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you've done that with the header or whatever it's called, after that, you're allowed be dull ;D

Anyone else know which fonts are fairly universal on windows PCs ?

Macs dont have Arial so I dont know what happens there...prob gets replaced by courier think that's their default font or maybe depends on browser.
-tomos (February 28, 2008, 03:29 AM)
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What you do is define a font-family where if one font is not available another is the list is selected.
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Verdana;

Just add this to your CSS stylesheet in the body tag like:
body {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Verdana; }


CSS Reference Guide (bottom of the page):

Arial it is then!

I will ask my Macintosh friend on AIM what the default font is for Safari- I never paid attention on mine at school.

Veign, I would do that, but I would most likely end up with a headache from confusion, as I haven't done anything web-related in about 2 years (and that was basic stuff, baby HTML- editing and ad-removal for the most part). And I am using KompoZer, not Frontpage 2003.

Website should be updated in about 10 minutes, provided I can remember to do it between now and then. :-[

An hour and a half later, once again, the update will be up in 10 minutes. I promise this time. :) (really, I do :P)

There. Arial. And it *almost* fits on one screen when viewed in 1280x1024 :)

Visit the updated site here:

EDIT: Added link


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