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Alright, as my brain explodes from packing myself full of things I need to do and change and edit and add and delete and everything...

CCleaner will now autoinstall the same as the old way. All other programs are bundled with SnapSuite. JkDefrag has been updated. I did slight GUI work. I deleted some 15MB of stuff off the FTP server. I am going to fix the website and upload the new version ASAP, assuming I don't go insane from stressing myself out first. :tellme:

Alright, now we're talking!

Everyone should check out the just renovated Maze Craze website (no game changes...yet) - I did all 3 graphics myself in Photoshop CS3 (took about 20 minutes total). I think it came out quite nicely. There are no other pages (I have them in an archive just in case, but I will delete them if there is no longer a need for them) except the main one. I did this for 3 reasons:
1) Better looking website
2) Faster loading website
3) More web FTP space for SnapSuite things (I just noticed I was at something like 65% a week or so ago, and started cleaning things up a bit).

Please let me know what you think of the site, if I should change the font, etc. :feedback:


Alright, I have everything going well with the exception of autohotkey not clicking a button? (question mark because I am not sure if that is the issue or not yet) - so I will not yet upload the new version. As soon as I fix that I will post and you can happily update :)

Please let me know what you think of the site, if I should change the font, etc. :feedback:

-wreckedcarzz (February 26, 2008, 07:12 PM)
--- End quote ---

I like it -
the buttons and title text :up:

I have no idea how websites work ... is the text font Times New Roman ?
Looks a bit academic at any rate I would change that if possible ;)
maybe some sans-serif font ? or maybe not :-\

Also I think it would look better with a little bit of a margin on either side

I'm no designer just the old two pennies

The text is Arial I believe (I had to pick a generic font for the main text)

More casual font? Comic Sans is always my favorite, but there are a few others built into Windows...

A margin- don't know how I can do that, but I am sure I can

Thanks! - I will work on it some more after school today :)


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