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few things are as frustrating as these false positive virus alarm accusations. the antivirus industry has to do something about this.
Alright, working on SnapSuite again because, frankly, I have nothing else to do at the moment, and felt like doing some coding! :)
* Disabled several new items that are not fully functional yet - just because you see it doesn't mean it is Enabled!
* :tellme: Notes can print!!! Partially, anyways. It will print but not properly, so it is still disabled. But it prints! :tellme:
* Starter has not made progress, mainly due to laziness/lack of reason to make a full blown launcher (why are you going to find and start SnapSuite to run a program when you can just get it from the Start Menu?) - not sure what to do with that...
* PlayMe now starts with the player volume @ 100% instead of 50% (no, this is not your computer volume, but the PlayMe volume)
* When you close SnapSuite, it will now slide down to its Notification Area icon (next to the clock) - this ONLY occurs if you close it yourself, if you are shutting down or use task manager etc then it will close completely (as it should)
* Added right click menu to tray icon, and double click opens main window
* Removed beta autoupdater (private releases, wasn't from Alpha 1)
* Cleaned up lots of code that I messed up (private releases, wasn't from Alpha 1)
* Removed pointless beta eyecandy that didn't work anyways (private releases, wasn't from Alpha 1)
* Some other random stuff I probably messed up and then fixed and have forgotten about...
Anyways, while it doesn't look very different there are quite a bit of changes so hopefully it is better than before. For example, when you right click on the Notification Area icon with SnapSuite still open, the "Open SnapSuite" option will be disabled. When you close the main window, the option becomes Enabled. It just helps that little bit. Also, this means that you can close the main window but have other windows remain open! :D
So here it is, SnapSuite 2009 Alpha 2 (Public Testing Release)
If you find problems like bugs, errors, SS doesn't load, I forgot the EXE ;D... ya know, issues.. please report them here or to me over IM/email :)
Oh, and by the way - now would be a great time to give that Instant Uninstall a whirl on 1.0/1.1 ;) - it really is kind of cool
EDIT: WHOA!!! Alpha 1.1 got 76 downloads!! Excuse me while I faint! Thanks for downloading guys, I am really surprised at the amount of people trying this out! :) :-*
Alright, because SS 09 lacks an updater system, and because I am lazy, I am *attempting* to avoid DcUpdater and integrate my own updating system. And it isn't that bad - it works! (That is an accomplishment in itself! ;D)
This "Update Helper" allows you to see the current version (online), followed by your running version (local), and if online is newer than running, you can click the little "Update" button and SnapSuite will do its thing. For anyone on broadband internet, it is surprisingly fast.
Rundown of what happens under-the-hood:
* Click Update
* Wait 10-45 seconds for the update to download (the button will indicate that it is in fact downloading, no worries :Thmbsup:)
* SnapSuite cleans up the web app control it used to download (I am going to experiment with this in other areas as well to maybe bump RAM utilization down after long usage periods)
* SnapSuite launches the setup file, and Inno Setup takes the lead
* SnapSuite closes itself
* Inno Setup does its thing, without any prompts (but still showing you progress)
* SnapSuite is launched by Inno
* Complete (about 60 seconds tops for broadband)
Also, there is a known bug in Alpha 2 that has been fixed for Alpha 3/Beta 1 - it is entirely my fault, unfortunately due to my learning of how programs close (still). For those whom know VB .NET: I called a Me.Close instead of Application.Exit when doing Instant Uninstall, so the FORM closes but the program doesn't (it remains in the tray, by design), so you have 2 DLLs and the SnapSuite.exe leftover in the SnapSuite 2009 folder. This does not effect a manual update, as long as you right-click and Exit before you start the update (this will not be required as of Alpha 3, as explained above).
Oh, and I got a reply from McAfee earlier today. They are "looking into" the issue and will "change the rating" if their "analysis" proves that I was correct. <sarcasm> No I just spent 45 minutes composing an email to lie to you and waste my time. </sarcasm> Can no one trust anyone anymore?
Anyways, that's the scoop for what I am doing/whats going on.
Old school! Age-old Maze Craze versions found!
Poking through what I pulled off of an old 40GB hard drive (now creatively called my Dump Drive (patent pending :P)) I found a TON of old Maze Craze stuff - game maker data files, completed-but-never-released EXEs, full installers, and a mysterious 37MB install file (I have no idea how the heck I managed that). Lots of stuff. So I am uploading everything I can find :)
Also, I am working on a simpler website - this means less info, but faster download locating and easier to use for more people. I was trying to make it look like the DC site at first, but I wanted a more unique look that I could change... so I went with a centered body with a sidebar and a vertical navigation bar this time (yes, that is a preset in Dreamweaver, but I use presets and change things up afterwards - don't bash me). Simple, but it looks good. It will soon be the new website layout, and I will post when it is complete (next day or so).
Also, I am currently trying to get my friend off his Virus-coated Windows XP SP2 and onto Xubuntu, and that brings me back to the fact that I still am open to help with computer issues :)
'Taking tips (about comments, specifically)
(note the comment ' ;D)
Some code re-organization today, along with mass comment adding (I (seriously) added the ' above by mistake because I am just used to it right now, and figured it would be a funky thing to see, so I left it). For those of you with no idea what that means, it is just a line of text you can add in a program's code to help you (it MUST be preceded with a ' in Visual Basic, it is different in other languages)
Reason being, I went over to the DC programming school and into the BASIC area, and read the first assignment - I can't do it because I am not good in math (ironically, not my strong point). But I like reading so I kept going and one of the BONUS items is well structured and commented code - VB does all my indenting and whatnot by itself, but I only add comments when I am not sure what something will do. So I am basically commenting all the functions events (to be precise) just in case something happens, so I will know what everything does. This will not effect the speed or size of SnapSuite (well, to be honest I am not sure on the size part, as it is quite a bit of text).
I am also going to remove Starter and am thinking about adding a Calculator ("QuickCalc" or something like that, I know, I am not creative with the naming and all that) as it is something I personally use on a somewhat regular basis. While Starter is a good learning project for me (registry, file system, etc) I seriously doubt anyone actually using it for normal workflow. It will probably become one of my dozens of side-things that I poke around on once a month or so.
Also, I am curious if anyone that uses/follows SS and knows VB (.NET) would be willing to look over what I have and tell me anything I could do better or I am doing wrong. I am always open to learning new things :)
Anywho, new update soon, about a week or so, so not soon, but soon.
By the way, I continue to be really shocked by the number of downloads - I thought that MAYBE 10 copies would be downloaded at the very most. 58 times so far! Thank you guys, I know that someone out there is using my work :) :-*
EDIT: Notes now protects you from wiping out a text file - when you click New, if there is text in the box that you haven't saved, it will prompt you to ignore the changes, or save now.
EDIT 2: I am done with most of the work except for the "Send Feedback" button on the side panel. After that it will look like a totally finished program, but there are still lots of things I want to tweak (the insanely fast progress bar for SystemCare, for example). Small, easy things, but they finish it off. (Alpha 3, that is)
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