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News and Reviews > Mini-Reviews by Members

Mini-Review: Wubi - Painless, partion-free WindowsXP/Ubuntu dual booting

<< < (5/5)

Has anyone tried hacking this to allow you to use a different (ie installing a non-Ubuntu) distro when selecting to manually download linux? I'd like to give PCLinuxOS 2007 as recommended by Zaine a shot, but would rather not bother with partitioning, installating and dual-booting (I'm lazy and I want to have my cake and eat it too!).

PS Got the harddrive, but not the RAM... As Carl notes, the RAM's not a big issue but I WANTED some more  because enough (1024MB at the moment) is never enough!

EDIT: whoops! Forgot the hyperlink...

Has anyone tried hacking this to allow you to use a different (ie installing a non-Ubuntu) distro when selecting to manually download linux? I'd like to give PCLinuxOS 2007 as recommended by Zaine a shot, but would rather not bother with partitioning, installating and dual-booting (I'm lazy and I want to have my cake and eat it too!).
-Darwin (May 28, 2007, 03:24 PM)
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According to the WubiGuide, you can modify it to work with other Debian based distros:

Note that to do so, you will have to recompile.  It's beyond my abilities to even try, so good luck.

It's beyond my abilities to even try, so good luck.

--- End quote ---

Forget ability - it's beyond my comprehension! I'm 1m 15s away from the Ubuntu download finishing, so no worries!

Sweet! I'm posting this from my Ubuntu install! I would have been on here quite a bit earlier but for the fact that I coudn't remember my log-in details for donationcoder  :-[

Anyway, one thing I really appreciate about the WUBI installation is that it defaults to your largest partition (or so I suspect as it installed to my My Documents partition, which had 37 GB free versus my Windows partition, which has 8 GB free) so it's painless.

Thanks again Carl!

After a few hours with ubuntu, I am really impressed. I've tried Mandrake (versions 8.2 and 10) as dual-boot installs in the past and have also tried a number of live cd distros. Obviously, this beats the pants off a live cd but I am also impressed by how easy to use ubuntu (and presumably other linux distros in 2007) are to use. They really are at the point where anyone who simply needs an internet machine and a glorified word processor is "good to go". I think linux is almost ready for primetime...


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