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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

Gender bender

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maybe like on some official forms ive seen lately male female unknown lol

maybe like on some official forms ive seen lately male female unknown lol
-Grorgy (April 29, 2007, 11:07 PM)
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[ ] Male
[ ] Female
[ ] Both
[ ] Neither
[ ] Not sure?


On some sites I've seen the option for those who don't want to tell was Neuter.

This is an unnecessary question. More over, the answer I would choose, [Yes, as often as possible] is not available. And is the question pertinent?

I would like to insert a :) but they got lost when I started this.

The ladies are under-represented here.  Is that because they are too smart to come here, or do they lie?

I thought this was for men only.  Where else can I hide out?

Sorry, just practicing tinySpell spell checker, before I noticed built in spell checker.  Neat.


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