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how to extract links from a site?
If you feel like playing around, you can try this web robot in VB.NET or C#.
You'd be surprised just how many really cool things are available for free at the CodeProject. :D
(OK - They take some work, but the basics are there.)
Steve, as mouser mentioned, you're looking for something more powerful then. The most accurate I've found is Teleport Pro.
I've found Teleport Pro to be very valuable. You'll have a hard time finding something that can automatically surf all your porn for you! :D
Edit: Yep - I know what you're using it for Zaine! :D
Justice :-[ steve_rb - I'd edit out your e-mail address above, post-haste, if I were you ( I *HATE* spam, get too much of it as it is, and don't go looking for any more of it! ;D)...
I am looking for a program to extract hiden links inside a site starting with let say for example "" . Is there any program to do this or anyone has any idea or comment?
-steve_rb (April 29, 2007, 02:16 AM)
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I am using either of these two programs, if I want to batch download files from rapidshare & other temp. hoster:
both still require you to manually put in the links, but after that, I can leave my computer on overnight, and the next day, all files are on my harddrive.
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