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News and Reviews > Mini-Reviews by Members

Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review

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I'm a SFFS fan. Since I'm on linux now, I had to find an alternative.
The best backup tool I found by far is storebackup. And yes, it beats SFFS for me.

No gui, though.
-urlwolf (April 19, 2010, 08:50 AM)
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But it is for Linux, not Windows, correct? I guess I'll get to try it if/when I try Linux.  (Actually more of a "when" methinks!)



Free? Wow - that's amazingly generous! So V.5 is working good for you? Stable?
-J-Mac (April 19, 2010, 01:34 AM)
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Yeah, sorry, I managed to miss the "5" when I typed SFFS above. I've been running SFFS 5 preview for months with no problems at all.

Here's the posting about the upgrade (hope I've interpreted it correctly!):
-Darwin (April 19, 2010, 08:06 AM)
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Mike, have you installed the beta separately from your V.4 install - or on top of it?

Re the upgrade cost he does say
"any license includes at least two years of free upgrades and updates" so it may depend on when the license was bought...

are either of you using SFFS with Amazon S3 online data storage? I use Jungle Disk for that now but since they were purchased by Rackspace they very much want users to switch to using Rackspace's Online Disks instead of the Amazon S3 Buckets. Twice now with updates they changed mine over to Rackspace and I went through a lot of crap to get it all back to S3. So I'd love to dump Jungle Disk and use SFFS. Apparently SFFS can be used with Amazon S3 but I don’t think it has a UI to browse your files and folders there directly. Or at least it doesn’t in V.4 - maybe V.5 has changed this.
-J-Mac (April 19, 2010, 12:43 AM)
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I'm still using a pretty old version of Jungle Disk (2.10a - I was wary of updating after the change of ownership cause it wasnt at all clear to me how it would work and/or cost)

I dont think SFFS allows you to browse files on S3 (I'm sure that would have been written big in the new features!)
Are there currently any other ways of showing S3 locally?

( Fairly Off topic:- have you reasons you dont want to use Rackspace storage ? )

Free? Wow - that's amazingly generous! So V.5 is working good for you? Stable?
-J-Mac (April 19, 2010, 01:34 AM)
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Yeah, sorry, I managed to miss the "5" when I typed SFFS above. I've been running SFFS 5 preview for months with no problems at all.

Here's the posting about the upgrade (hope I've interpreted it correctly!):
-Darwin (April 19, 2010, 08:06 AM)
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Mike, have you installed the beta separately from your V.4 install - or on top of it?

Re the upgrade cost he does say
"any license includes at least two years of free upgrades and updates" so it may depend on when the license was bought...
-tomos (April 27, 2010, 07:25 AM)
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I installed the beta over top of v.4 (a long while ago) and have not had any trouble since.

Here's what the developer says:

Yes, v5 will be a free upgrade if you have v4, including all revisions. It will take the same registration codes as v4. Independently, any license includes at least two years of free upgrades and updates.
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My reading of the above is that it won't matter when you bought your v4 license. He does state that his mention of the two years of upgrades and updates is independent of his first statement, that if you have a license for 4 you're good for v5, too. Very generous, really, as I purchased v3 at least three years ago and was given a free upgrade to v4 in March of 2008.

PS I tried to use SFFS to sync my Roboform data with Roboform's online backup service (https address) and SFFS couldn't handle it. It did ask for my login credentials and I've confirmed that it's set up correctly. Don't know if this is to do with Roboform wanting to get people to buy their own GoodSync software as well? At any rate, I mention this in reference to the S3 query. I *suspect* that this will be an issue with S3 as well, though I have no way to test it.


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