News and Reviews > Mini-Reviews by Members
Super Flexible File Synchronizer Mini-Review
WOW! The more I use Super Flexible File Synchronizer the more deeply I fall in love with it. It's so feature rich, so well though out and laid out, so FAST, and so easy to use -what's not to like? I particularly like the almost infinite degree to which you can customize saved jobs. I know that this is possible in other synching programmes (I have several of them!) but SFFS is set apart by its ease of use. Did I mention how FAST it is?
And it's flexible. (or should i say Super Flexible) I started using SFFS for big synch jobs only, but since I have removed both SyncToy and Syncback (free edition) but they've just become obsolete.
I still use Beyond Compare to compare inside text-files for my web development but SFFS is a very polished and powerful program indeed.
Sounds exactly like my situation - I'm using Beyond Compare for most file comparisons as well.
App Name:Super Flexible File Synchronizer, soon to be renamed ExtremeSync -zridling (April 26, 2007, 11:40 PM)
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- for two years they have not yet launched the Extreme thing. So, how is the company going in general? Are they bug fixing and feature updating and such? Does anyone know?
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