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AbteriX: could only be seen when selected for editing.-CarolHaynes (September 04, 2005, 05:44 AM)
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Did U check transparency ???

> what i meant was, if the text is too big for the box its in, it seems to dissapear.

Yeah, that's right, too.
Astonish the first few times  :)
But than i know that behaviour.

Maybe mouser could show an sign that there is more text ?
But this is not realy necessary, people will see after a few trials.

Also I tried "Save as copy" in TIF format (using the sample) and then got contant 'access violation' errors when ever I used the thumbnail browser (and the save failed).-CarolHaynes (September 04, 2005, 04:35 AM)
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I just testet that save as... TIFF for to sort this out for mouser.... but it works for me.

But i also see one 'access violation' error with 2.00.02 while saving. (no i don't know the right circumstances)
I will test some more for to sort this out.

SC 2.00.03 didn't show *.TIFF thumpnails ?!
Only the full picture in the main screen.

- "Highlight Opjects" .... handy if separately trans for each 'Border color' and 'inner color' in one step
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this probably isnt possible. (i am using a graphics component that handles this)

- "Text tool" ... is a little bit tricky.. if i wrote 12 for the size, i get only the 1 and than the focus to the text
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yes i noticed that too, but i think it might be fixed now that we have the quick slider bar? or no?

- "Text tool" ... is set to total trans by default (if i switch to), should be non-trans by default
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is it? i will fix that.

- to move and modify the opjects is fantastic
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- "Arrow tool" .... arrow size is 2 by default == invisible, shoult by 20
- "Arrow tool" ... also text size is to tiny by default
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i will fix.

- "Arrow tool" ... auto switch of textbox direction incommodes {me !!!} more than it's helps
Maybe it would be fine to disable this behaviour from time to time.
Additionally I found checkbox "[]left" and "[]right" for direction nifty (or even free move around   )
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yes this is not a bad idea, i will see if i can do that.

- "Arrow tool" ...  maybe i miss an "[ ] inner color" option for the text ?
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not sure if i can add it, maybe i can.

- "quick sliders " are very handy, thanks. We could even use the "bar" under the size to increase/decrease !
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yes much better.

- "add image caption" ....  works with size and color from "Text tool"
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works with font and color (but size should be from caption dialog i think.

- "frames and Mask" ... i miss an option "[ ] add to the outside of the image"
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yes i am working on that now. or something like it.

- "frames and Mask" ... I know this is to much, but... is it possible to simple resize
the frames and the mask to suite our needs ? 'cus some borders are to thick
and cover/crop to much of the images.
I imaging  to input frames/mask like an "Clipart Opject" --- resize them ---- and press apply
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i am trying to solve this with thing above, making it easy to say frame should be outside image or being able to adjust how much.

- for an very future build i wish to have an option to order the position of the opject...
... what lies under what object and what lies on top.
 But that may to much overhelmed for an screenshot tool, i admit !!!
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yes this is planned.

- i think this is very well done !
- I could imaging to use this tool productively.
- many thanks and kudo to mouser and all how have taken part in build an great tool Application.
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glad you like it.

the tiff thumbnail display is actually handled by your system shell, and it seems that the image components dont create 100% compatible tiff files; i can only suggest turning off the save objects in tiff file mode, and prefer external .objects file instead, at least for now.


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